Henri Frachon

Sohma Furutate

古舘 壮真

古舘 壮真は、対象とするものへの意識や空間をとりまく様々な関係性に関心を持っています。あらゆる事物がもたらす作用を多視点的に 読み解くことで、これまでの認識の在り方に揺さぶりをかけることを目的としています。 デザインコレクティブ「MULTISTANDARD」 のメンバー。

Sohma Furutate

With an awareness of the subject matter and an interest in the various relationships surrounding space, Sohma Furutate’ s work is seeks to shake up conventional ways of perception by deciphering the effects of all things from multiple perspectives. Member of the design collective MULTISTANDARD.

FUR series

夜泣き石や治癒の石など、これまで語られてきた石にまつわる伝説や信仰は、石が単なる素材としての存在を超え、超自然的な力の媒介とみなされてきた証です。 日常生活においても、山で巨大な岩と対峙した時や、石碑の前で手 を合わせるとき、目に見えない「何か」に時として不思議な畏怖や感動を覚えることがあります。この実体をもたない「何か」を石の表面に持ち出せないか。 マイケルジャクソンが「スムーズ・クリミナル」の中で見せたゼロ・グラビティの動きをヒントに、石に非現実的な振る舞いを与えることで、その意思のような何かを映し出そうと考えたのです。
この物体は、通常の物理法則では説明できない石と地面との関係性にあり、まるで石が自らの意思で立っているかのように見えています。あるいは置かれた場の水平が狂ったかのように、空間自体がいつもより少し歪んで見えてくるのかもしれません。 これは石をどのように置くかについての思考です。具体的な機能はありませんし、プロダクトと呼ぶには曖昧です。 しかし空間を仕切る目印として、その場に何らかの作用をもたらしてくれることは想像ができます。

People's perceptions and beliefs about stones have always been deeply rooted in the past and still are today. The legends and beliefs associated with stones, are proof that stones have gone beyond mere material existence and have been regarded as a medium for supernatural powers. There are some moments people would feel a strange sense of wonder of the stone and awe at ‘something’ that we cannot see. For example when walking in the mountains and suddenly bump up to a huge rock, or see a stone monument just right in front of us. People might clasp our hands in front of those stone. In this project, I wondered if I could bring the invisible ‘something’ that exists inside the stone to the face of the stone. I used Michael Jackson's Zero Gravity move in his ‘Smooth Criminal’ performance as inspiration for this experiment. I believe that by giving the stone an unreal behaviour, perhaps that invisible ‘something’ will appear on the surface of the stone.
The object lies in the relationship between the stone and the ground, which cannot be explained by the usual laws of physics, as if the stone were standing of its own volition. Or perhaps the space itself appears a little more distorted than usual, as if the level of the place where it is placed has gone wrong. This is a thought on how to place the stone. It has no specific function and is too vague to be called a PRODUCT. However, it can be imagined as a landmark that divides a space and brings some invisible action to the place.